(949) 239-1614

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700 Lido Park Dr

Newport Beach, CA 92663

Tree Trimming Newport Beach CA – Call to Schedule Your Free On-Site Estimate

Newport Beach Residents, Don’t Call Another Tree Service Company in Newport Beach Before You Read This or You Might End up Paying an Arm and a Leg

tree professionalsI know that this is a bold statement but bare with me for a minute and you won’t regret it.

Did you know that to start a tree service business in Newport Beach, California one only needs a truck and a chain saw? Looks like a lot of people do, judging by the number of tree service companies in Newport Beach that offer tree trimming and pruning services.

What these inspiring entrepreneurs don’t know is that the cutting and trimming is the easy part but getting clients is hard. Hit with the hard reality and to stay in business they resort to charging less to attract clients. But to offer low rates and stay in business they skip on some business essentials.

A lot of these businesses do not carry insurance that would cover expenses in case of damage to you or your neighbor’s property during trimming. If an accident happens, you are solely responsible for covering the damages. Do you really need that?

When looking a tree service company to do your trimming, pruning or stump removal needs, trust the seasoned ones. Choose the well-established business that will not only offer you quality work coming from years of expertise but peace of mind, too. It will save you from potentially losing a lot of money.

Here are the six most questions to ask contractors:

1. Do you have a business insurance?

2. Can I have a list of past and returning clients that I can call for reference?

3. Are you a member of any trade association?

4. Can you provide written estimates in detail?

5. Are you responsible for any damages you might incur to my or my neighbor’s home when you do the trimming?

6. Can you provide and commit to a timeframe for completing the project?

If they’ve answered yes to most of this, you are most likely dealing with a trustworthy brand.

How do I know when it’s time to call a tree service to have my trees trimmed?

Light pruning can always be done anytime as long as you have the proper tools but whether you are envisioning something more attractive for your trees or you just don’t want an encounter with big, juicy spiders hiding beneath those thick leaves, do not hesitate. Seek help from the tree care experts.

There is a different clipping time for every species of tree, some need more pruning and you’re lucky if your trees are low maintenance.

In any case the best person to ask would be no less than us, the expert tree cutters. But apart from these reasons, there are other circumstances that would require you to have them trimmed.

You know you need to call a tree trimming company when you answer yes to the questions below:

1. Have your trees gone close to power lines or block road views?

Say no to twigs that could hamper your internet performance or worse disrupt your power at home. Likewise, trees obstructing driveways and pedestrian walkways should be trimmed.

2. Are your trees already touching your roof or any part of you or your neighbor’s home?

Trees don’t just potentially disrupt power lines, they could also cause deterioration of your roofs. Dead leaves promote growth of mold and if they are laying on your roofing, you can expect to see mold there in no time, too.

3. Are you seeing dead or loosely hanging branches that might cause an accident anytime?

You wouldn’t want these when there are kids or pets around. Prevention is cooler than cure.

4. Has it been more than three years since you last got your trees trimmed?

As mentioned some trees need to be trimmed more often, others are a little more low maintenance, but don’t let any of your trees be unkempt for more than three years, unless you’re after the jungle look.

5. Do your trees look unkempt, out of shape, or unappealing?

If you answered yes to at least one of the questions above you need to call a tree service company asap.

Well-maintained trees enhance the overall aesthetics of your home. Who wouldn’t want a looker of a lawn?

Safety is the primary reason for trimming trees. Other than that, of course well-maintained trees actually increases the value of your property.

Trimming trees regularly promotes their overall good health and results to stronger branches and lush leaves.

When you prune your trees regularly, you optimize exposure and air circulation. Moreover, you prevent the spread of diseases and fungus and you keep pests away.

Make sure you get these things right. Call tree trimming and pruning experts to do it.


Why You Should Consider Us for Your Tree Trimming Job?

Newport Beach Tree Service Pros is a family business that has been in the industry for more than three decades and all those years we have gained a considerable amount of loyal clienteles. It is part of our heritage to deliver quality tree trimming Newport Beach CA services to neighboring areas.

When you decide to call us for an initial discussion, we will allow you to define the existing situation of your trees and your problem areas. We will give you the liberty to visualize your ideas and work out on a feasible plan.

Tree Trimming Cost Newport Beach, California

Over the phone, we can provide a free initial estimate based on the details you will give us. If you are satisfied, we can come over to your site for a more accurate estimate.

During this we will also identify and study your trees, determine the kind of treatment for each, and help you envision and map out the workflow so we can inform prepare ahead.

If all is set, we will issue a thorough written quotation and finalize the time frame for completing the project.

Our ultimate goal is to deliver excellent service. After all we are a family owned business and not a part of a franchise. That means that we don’t have a big corporate back to hide behind.

For that reason we have to deliver excellent tree trimming and pruning service every single time otherwise the word will get around, Newport BEach is not that big after all and we will have no business.

How can I find out more about your tree services?

A reliable tree cutting service provider would be more than happy to answers your burning questions and guide you through their process. We at Newport Beach Tree Services Pro are ready to take your call anytime.

To Speak with a Specialist and Schedule Your Free On-Site Estimate Call Tree Trimming Newport Beach CA Pros us Today at (949) 239-1614

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